Treasure Island Music Festival: best music ever.

Jocelyn and Marvin visit!!: seriously the most partying in three days EVER

Black and White: At Sigma Nu, where the deck almost collapsed (also Mindy was gone this weekend)

Halloween: Need I say anymore??

November 4th, 2008: The night Obama won!! Our faces say everything :)

March against Prop 8, SF: A truly incredible night. Marching with my friends, for my friends

Dinner with Licious: Family Fun at Steve apartamento!!

Rainbow Party: ROYGBP at their finest-on the dancefloor

Imitation of Chirst: Oops! I mean Steve...he he he

Rape: hahahahahahaha!!! I like my outfit though...

10 Years Later/The Last Supper: Our last dinner and a peek into the future. That's right, fur coat, plants, champagne, and full head-tilted laughter!

Thanks for and AMAZING semester guys, I know the next one will be even better!! I love you all!
AWW! I love you all :) Here's to an even better Spring semester!
ahh can't wait for the next semester! i mean, gosh. i only REALLY hung out with you guys for the last month or two and it was awesome :D
(hey, i was just working out so hard! it's not like i barfed for no reason -_- ....but it WAS haunting)
i still hate you all for that picture.
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