This is what Mindy and I wore on our last escapade of the fall semester! Me: Free people dress, Forever 21 blazer, mom's tights, and Mindy's brown shoes from Buffalo Exchange. Mindy is wearing AA skirt, my holey nylons, UO knee-highs and flats. :)
OK, I'm officially BORED. And i'm not even home yet hahahahaha. I miss the hustling bustling dorm i'm used to. The random people (welcome and unwelcome) coming to our door at all hours. Multiple trips to Peets everyday to order THE SAME THING: large Earl Grey hot tea with two packs of sugar and a lot of half and half. Naptime with Mindy and Steph. Watching Friends with Sophia. Listening to Alex play guitar and Ryan play the Ocherina on his iPhone. *What the hair?!?* Not doing homework, but somehow spending countless hours on the computer/talking and sleeping at 3am.Also, Sophia just pointed out that I haven't done the "16 Random Facts" yet, so here it goes!
1. I love my friends more than anything in the world, possibly more than my family (which is sad but true), and I would do anything for them. I may not have that many, but the ones I have are for life.
2. I don't think I make good first impressions. I'm incredibly shy and socially awkward at first, so I may appear standoffish and super quiet. But of course, once I am comfortable with you, I can be loud and weird and fun!
3. I listen to what everyone says *except my mother*, and sometimes I care too much of what people think about me or what they'll think about what i do, so I don't do it. I usually rehearse things in my mind before I say them, especially if its important.
4. I am afraid of losing self-control and of being rejected.
5. I think that i'm secretly an old lady because I love tea parties, book clubs, music from the 1940s, old-fashioned romance, and baking in an apron.
6. I know a lot of random facts, but when it comes to my own homework, I feel like I know nothing.
7. I have a pretty good memory, especially visually, so if I draw a little picture next to an important note, I can remember what the page looks like and what the note says.
8. I wish daily that I was from Europe. I am enamoured with their rich culture, their humor, and their fabulous sense of fashion!!
9. I love dressing up, especially in dresses! Vintage is my favoirte, and if everything was the right size, I'd probably live in nothing else. I don't really know that much about fashion, I kind of just copy things that I like.
10. I'm insecure about people calling me too skinny or anorexic, even if they're just joking, so don't do it!
11. I trained to be a professional ballerina for 12 years. I miss dancing a lot, not the drama and politcs, but I don't think I could ever start again.
12. Dancing is my favorite part of getting drunk.
13. Art is incredibly inspiring to me, even if I can't create it, and I'd love nothing more than to discover the hidden meanings/histories/agendas between works of art all day long.
14. I'm an incurable dreamer. Even though I know how harsh and difficult the world is, somehow I have this image in my mind of how my life will be, and I, despite the certain debt and uncertain future, can't shake the idea of me accomplishing my dreams.
15. When I grow up I want to live in a big city on one of the American coasts or in Europe and own an art gallery or work at an auction house. I realize this does make my dream life seem like Charlotte's from SATC, but whatever, her's isn't real and mine will be!
16. I'm really hungry right now...so here is the last fact: I hate when my foods are mixed together (like eggs with maple syrup on them that leaked from my pancakes), or eating my meal out of order. Potatoes are my favorite food, and I could eat them at every meal...especially with sour cream.
*woof* that was long. Now to pack.
I read this before it showed up on my Google reader!
Your #1 Fan!
PS: What kind of noise does the Velociraptor make?
#1 and #16 oh fa sho!
unfortunately, sophia likes weird concoctions of food combinations so she's like our opposite. she's pretty much my antithesis.
life is hard.
you lil sis are too cute.
i feel your knowledge, and wish you were here in the uks with me.
*sending subliminal message*
lots of love, and hope home isnt killing you.
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