Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away!

I just realized today that I haven't blogged in a really long time! (well neither have you guys, psh) All this rain lately has been a real downer, plus with my marathon run of every sickness in the world, life has pretty much sucked. I guess not totally sucked, I should blame all my sicknesses on a certain person! But yesterday when the sun came out, I actually smiled to myself while walking! I love the beginning of spring!!

I can't believe it's midterm season already...where the hell did that come from?! Seems like last week I was receiving my syllabus now I'm nose diving into midterm week! EEK! It doesn't help that next week also happens to be me birthday *woot the big 2 1*, so I'm basically gonna kill myself then get wasted. I do have goals to remember what happens on this birthday and not to throw up. Very managable, I think. I'm really excited to have my tea party with the girlies + Stevelicious! I love nothing more than getting dressed up and having tea and sandwiches. I am truly an old woman.

Looking back on the year, I can't believe how much has happened! This time last year I was barely adjusting to my first semester at Berkeley, and now I couldn't be more at home here! Now it's apartment hunting season and I can't help but look ahead to next year, which will be...different. I'm looking forward to living in the Co-ops this summer/fall and I'm really crossing my fingers for Italy in the Spring, but I don't think anything will be quite the same as living with Leminee in Cheney 312. Living here this year has been truly the greatest time of my life and it saddens me that I won't be living with Minee next year. It seems dumb to lament the end of our box-triple life because I know I'll come over to their house a lot and they'll eat at mine when they're poor. haha. I'm very excited about living in Berkeley this summer because it'll be my first summer not vacationing with the fam! YAY! I'll be doing my own thing, which is how I like it.

In all, life is pretty good. So i'll stop here. And leave you with some cool art:

Joan MirĂ²

An early Jackson Pollock
'Electric Dress' Atsuko Tanaka (in the museum and in action)