OK! I finished the first week of school relatively unscathed!! Being back into the semester mode is so surreal. I feel like I'm having deja vous but going to different classes. As much as I hate having class at 9am everyday, I do enjoy the hustle and bustle of a full campus and my morning routines. Speaking of classes, I am taking all humanities classes this semester *woof!* intellectual overload!! You may soon find me at a cafe drinking tea and wearing a tweed blazer, reading about the philosophy of the purpose and function of art...fuck, I already do that.
Anyways, this semester I'm taking: History of Art 170--Baroque Art, History of Art 190--Globalization, Art, and Mass Culture, Italian 3, and Theater 25ac--The Drama of American Cultures. So far, I like all my classes minus a few problemas. I was really looking forward to my Baroque class since I've taken a class with Prof. Olson before and he's one of those professors who is SO smart that you can't realy understand what he's talking about, but I like the way he dresses and find him amusing :) BUT of course I would get a dick gsi! He is such a prick I can't even handle it. Assigning extra readings, adding a research paper to the syllabus, trying to persuade the prof to give us pop quizzes...I mean who are you?!? My modern art class sounds lik it'll be really fun. I love the prof, and not just because he looks like an ignudo but he's actually a great lecturer and the topics we're discussing are really interesting! We're going to be looking at a lot of contemporary art, which I think is cool since I don't know too much about the current art world and its something i NEED to know about. My Italian class is...buonissimo! My professor is from Milan and dresses really well. I wanted to be her best friend when she walked in with some black cowboy boots and a leather briefcase. SO AWESOME. Plus, she has a vary relaxed way of teaching that makes you comfortable to talk in class, which is nice. We're focusing much more on culture and discussing topics rather than grammar at this level, so its exciting but a bit daunting. Last is my Theater class. Initially I signed up to fulfill my ac req with an easy class, but after the first few classes, I think I'm really going to enjoy this class! We're reading a lot of great plays including some by Phillip Kan Gotanda, who is setting a show for the dept this semester. I met him in the hallway at work and he was just the cutest little asian man. He was older and very sweet, and he had PURPLE hair!!
So, enough about classes and time for bed...if do less of anything this semester it will be sleeping. There just aren't enough hours in the day. Ploof!